How to launch a viral campaign

Launching a viral campaign can be one of the hardest things to do. There are some rules, but if you don’t follow them you might be even more successful.

Viral marketing doesn’t work, tell everyone you know!!!

Dan Ackerman Greenberg, co-founder of viral marketing firm The Comotion Group, wrote one of the most discussed articles ever on TechCrunch about how to launch a viral campaign. And the rules he writes about are not exactly the ones that are generally considered ethical. You might even talk about grey hat to black hat viral marketing. Fun fun fun…

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GMail Art: Google goes viral in Russia

During the creation of the Google Russia viral video “GMail Art“, the following ingredients were used: 162 meters of grey tape, 45 Lego bits, 32 pieces of clay, 18 painting brushes, 18 m² plastic foil, 12 aerosols, 10 liters of white paint, 4 rolls of paper, 2 kg millet pulp, 1 printer, 1 hair drier, 1 floorcloth and 1 saw.

Great Russian GMail viral

The promotional video was produced by Saatchi Moscow to get more Russian GMail subscribers:

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Too much positivity on YouTube ? Post a negative comment !

This guy really seems jealous of all the positive comments on the weird videos sometimes posted on YouTube.

YouTube is my life

He’s looking for a way to stop all this positivity and wants to post negative comments but doesn’t really know how.  The answer : “YouSuck“.  If YouTube would have existed 40 years ago, no doubt Monty Python would have created a similar video…

Continue reading Too much positivity on YouTube ? Post a negative comment !