The internet is changing…

… I guess you all noticed. The impact of the changes we are seeing now is beautifully described in this YouTube movie:

The video was based on a book by Charles Leadbeter, “We-Think” about The Power of Mass-creativity. You can download the first three chapters here. I haven’t read the book yet, but I think I might give it a try…


Is Facebook dangerous? Protect your privacy…

Collecting personal data through the popular networking website Facebook is a piece of cake. At least that’s what the BBC tried to prove. And they succeeded… Using a small program it’s easy to list private data that other users have not decided to share.

Facebook not really protecting your privacy

Making your personal data only visible to direct friends is not prohibiting the application from getting all your personal information. It’s clear all this information can be misused to close a loan, apply for credit cards and so on.

Continue reading Is Facebook dangerous? Protect your privacy…

Twitter, Twit, Tweet

Twitter is a so called micro-blogging service that allows you to share your current activities with the rest of the world. It’s a very easy to use platform and many thousands of users suffer from a Twitter addiction.

Twitter microblogging

You can share your activities, thoughts, reflections, ideas, … using the Twitter platform itself, but also through instant messaging, SMS and other applications. The main idea behind Twitter is giving an answer to the question “What are you doing?” in 140 characters or less.

If you don’t understand exactly what Twitter does or what it stands for, don’t worry: the nice people from Common Craft have created a great movie entitled “Twitter in plain English“:

Continue reading Twitter, Twit, Tweet

Too much positivity on YouTube ? Post a negative comment !

This guy really seems jealous of all the positive comments on the weird videos sometimes posted on YouTube.

YouTube is my life

He’s looking for a way to stop all this positivity and wants to post negative comments but doesn’t really know how.  The answer : “YouSuck“.  If YouTube would have existed 40 years ago, no doubt Monty Python would have created a similar video…

Continue reading Too much positivity on YouTube ? Post a negative comment !

How the big ones implement their 404 page not found error pages

Yesterday while browsing on YouTube I ran across a 500 Internal Server Error. Never happened to me before on YouTube, but I didn’t mind. The YouTube 500 Error page seems to contain a funny message, and if there is something I like it is funny errorhandling.

YouTube 500 Internal Server Error page

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation. Please report this incident to customer service.

And that reminded me of something I learned when I started SEO : one of the first things you should implement when setting up a new website are user friendly AND search engine friendly errorpages. Especially the 404 Page Not Found error page is one that should be perfect. For the search engines it should return a 404 status code. For the users it must contain a clear message that says their browser asked for a non existing page and they should be able to click through to the home page or search for another page. You can find more on The Perfect 404.

So I decided to take a look at the 404 error pages from big guys like Google, Yahoo!, YouTube, Live Search, LinkedIn, … And what I found wasn’t always exactly perfect on the usability side …

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